Aura Readings

Aura readings offer a captivating insight into the subtle energies that envelop you. Drawing from spiritual and metaphysical principles, aura readings involve interpreting the radiant energy field that surrounds a person—commonly referred to as their "aura."

Through Aura Photography, Pinky can provide you with a personalized aura reading experience. Using a camera and hand sensor, Pinky collects data that's transformed into a visual representation of your energy field. She then guides you through the interpretation, delving into the spectrum of colors, intricate patterns, and varying intensities within your aura. Each of these elements corresponds to different facets of your emotional, mental, and spiritual state.

These readings provide valuable glimpses into your energy equilibrium, emotional well-being, and areas primed for personal development. Whether pursued as a spiritual odyssey or a pathway to self-discovery, aura readings offer a distinct perspective that nurtures heightened self-awareness and a profound connection to the intangible dimensions of your existence.